History of Brazing

1:02 Min read time
AUGUST 16, 2018

Brazing's Beginnings

Brazing is a craft dating back to the ancient Egyptians. By 2975 BC, basic brazing processing techniques had begun to develop. The Sumerians, Greeks, and Romans also adopted and improved methods. Even the Europeans during the Middle Ages used the process to create magnificent objects. The most popular metals were gold, silver, and copper. Much later, with the development of the right type of furnaces and the discovery of such metals as aluminum, brazing rose to another level.

Furnace Brazing

Originally, craftspeople conducted brazing work in the open air. Charcoal flames helped to join metals together. This was to change with the commercialization of furnaces in the 1920s. While flame brazing in the air is in use today, the more common method is to use a furnace. At Bluewater Thermal Solutions, we employ the proper heating method. We selected it in accordance with the following criteria:

  • The size of your parts
  • The metal being used
  • The specific compatible filler, if applicable
  • The number of parts required

At Bluewater Thermal, we have several furnace options available. Among those our customers request are our vacuum furnaces. These are very suitable for a variety of metals, including aluminum and titanium.

Brazing Aluminum

Brazing is a cost-effective method for joining dissimilar metals in complex assemblies. The joints it produces are strong and permanent. They become more durable if the base metal is already strong, e.g., aluminum or stainless steel. Thin or thick, this process quickly solidifies two metals or even metal with another material. As a result, brazing aluminum and other materials is faster, more effective, and can produce larger, more complex batches than using other methods, including welding. At Bluewater, we will work with you to ensure the process you want is the best option for delivering high-quality, cost-effective results.

Tell us how we can help

Bluewater Thermal Solutions specializes in all types of heat treating processes including brazing, nitriding, boronizing, carbonitriding & carburizing, and more. We offer a wide array of heat treating and boronizing processes at 11 different locations. To find out how we can serve your induction hardening needs, call us today at 877.990.0050, or request a quote on our website for services.

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