The Differences in Heat Treating Companies

< 1 Min read time
JULY 25, 2017

At Bluewater Thermal Solutions, our focus is on providing commercial heat treating and brazing services for our customers across North America. Our highly experienced staff has years of experience in working with heat treating processes. We also have experience in working with many different industries including automotive, aerospace, energy, construction, and heavy equipment sectors.

The Bluewater Advantage

We realize there are many heat treating companies to choose from. We have the capability, as well as the expertise, to exceed expectations for even the toughest, high-volume jobs for Original Equipment Manufacturers all over North America. This allows us to take on new clients, as well as provide short lead times and prompt delivery. Our ten different locations across North America allow us to specialize, as well, providing quality and consistency you will not find with other heat treating companies.

With our brazing services, we offer furnace brazing, as well as assembly, saving them time and money. Our team can also provide coatings that can help to extend the life of any part you need treated.

Customer Service

While our services and expertise make us stand out from other heat treating companies, it is our focus on customer service that makes the biggest difference. We provide competitive pricing, outstanding technical support, and possible solutions to help to save your business time and money on their heat treatment requirements.

Tell us how we can help

Bluewater Thermal Solutions specializes in all types of heat treating processes including brazing, nitriding, boronizing, carbonitriding & carburizing, and more. We offer a wide array of heat treating and boronizing processes at 11 different locations. To find out how we can serve your induction hardening needs, call us today at 877.990.0050, or request a quote on our website for services.

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