Heat Treating Services In Illinois

A Full Range Of Heat Treating Services In Illinois

While there are many advantages for our customers in working with our team at Bluewater Thermal for all your heat treating services, one factor stands out for many of our customers. We offer several different locations, including a full processing facility in Illinois, which makes short order turnaround and delivery easier for our customers both large and small.

There are several other differences you can expect with Bluewater Thermal. Unlike other metal heat treating companies, we offer a full range of thermal processes at our locations, and we cater to specialized industry requirements in each one. With this focus on both local as well as national customers, we have the capabilities and production capacity to handle orders of any size and single orders or for ongoing production needs.

Our Services

Using the latest in technology, we offer low-cost production with a focus on quality. We also provide heat treating in vacuum and batch furnaces, as well as providing carbonitriding, annealing, carburizing, hardening and normalizing at this location. The team can offer hot oil marquenching, clamp tempering and straightening to meet all of your thermal processing requirements.

As an ISO 9001 certified company at all locations, we also offer compliance with specific standards based on the location and the process. We strive to offer our customer above industry standards, timely delivery and the best possible quality of heat treating services in the market.

Our Illinois Locations

Chicago Plant 1
Chicago Plant 2
Chicago Plant 3


To learn more about our metal heat treating options at our Illinois locations, contact us today at 877-990-0050.

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