The Difference Experience Makes In Heat Treating Companies

< 1 Min read time
MARCH 12, 2018

Heat treatment is far from a new process. However, heat treatment today is more advanced than ever, allowing for precision control of the process through technology and automated systems that were not possible even a few decades ago.

Today's heat treatment companies need to have the cutting-edge equipment, technology, and systems to be able to provide these services in a fast, precise and cost-effective way for their customers. Choosing a company that has these attributes is essential for any OEM, whether for single orders, or for large production runs.

Experience in Challenging Processes

Perhaps the single most important consideration when choosing between different heat treatment companies is the extent of their experience in that particular service. Factors that should be considered are their years in business and the volume of heat treating services they provide.

Look for companies that offer a wide spectrum of heat treatment options. Many of these companies have different facilities, each specializing in specific processes to streamline their service.

Trained Professionals

The top heat treatment companies will attract the top professionals. Having expertise in the equipment operators, engineers, and the sales team will be instrumental in ensuring the best-possible results, as well as the right price.

Equipment and Capacity

While equipment and capacity are always a function of the size of the facility and the operations offered, an experienced heat treatment service is also a benefit. Companies that have been in the industry and are focused on growth and expansion tend to use the latest in equipment and technology, which can help to reduce the cost per unit of heat treatment services.

Tell us how we can help

Bluewater Thermal Solutions specializes in all types of heat treating processes including brazing, nitriding, boronizing, carbonitriding & carburizing, and more. We offer a wide array of heat treating and boronizing processes at 11 different locations. To find out how we can serve your induction hardening needs, call us today at 877.990.0050, or request a quote on our website for services.

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